Listed below are the permission forms you will need to attend activities and camps.  All forms are in PDF format. You may need to download Acrobat, in order to print these documents.


All permission slips and money must be handed in to your leader, one week prior to camp/activity, so that food and/or accomodations can be arranged.

We would appreciate all permission slips and money be in a sealed envelope or ziploc bag with your child's name clearly marked on the envelope/bag.


Permission Form - Sr Explorer Planning C
Adobe Acrobat Document 133.7 KB

Up-Coming Events

Oct 18 -20 2024

Timberwolf Camp


See Calendar for more details

Oct 25 -27 2024

Explorer Camp

7pm - 11am on 27th


See Calendar for more details

Nov 1 -2 -27 2024

Otter Camp


6:30pm-11:30pm on 27th

See calendar for more details